New Flyers Why do people join Tupperware???
Just $39 as an intial payment, earn the rest FREE! Recruiting Flyers - Ideas - Tools The following is a library of ideas and flyers that you can use to assist you in approaching recruiting as a normal part of your Party and Tupperware business. Choose one or two ideas and work with them in a positive way to "Interest" customers in the Tupperware opportunity.
Build your Team for bigger and better Royalties! Michelle's "Kit Budget Flyer" for recruiting Fantastic Recruiting Tips Video Watch this and recruit like crazy!
A Great Opportunity Flyer <-Click Use this flyer to recruit by telling “your "I Story" the reasons for being in Tupperware” and playing the 10 ticket game at parties. Seven Questions Interview <-Click
If Recruiting is the Answer! The questions may well have been:
Recruiting really is the answer to all you want! |