What a difference a “Great Demo” makes! Have you ever gone into a store and been totally impressed not only by the products, but mostly by the attentive service, product knowledge, and the level of support and information provided by the store owner. Maybe so impressed you could not wait to tell your friend about your experience or wait until you could go back again. It’s possible you connected with that store owner on a personal level as well as a business level. You are a customer for life! The very reason many Consultants experience excellent sales, great Dating, and consistent Recruiting is because they do not take for granted their demonstration. Some have said that Tupperware “Sells It Self”, and although we have a great product that is in demand by many, the difference between a “Regular Party” and an “Fantastic Party” is most often the substance and information provided in the demonstration by the Consultant and the level of service provided. Consider the difference between these two fictitious Consultants.
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Saving $3000 PLUS on a family food budget for a typical family of four! (saving $10 a day = more than $3000 a year) Show your customers how to save money at your Demo! Open your Demo with a statement like “How would you like to save $3000 on your food budget in the next 12 months, Let me show you how Tupperware can do this for you!” Fresh fruits and vegetables are most expensive in the winter months save money up to $50.00 a month by keeping them longer and fresher with Tupperware. Fruits and vegetables stored in Fridgesmart.
Buying in Bulk and storing in Modular Mates can keep stables fresh for up to a year. Bulk purchasing can cut your staples costs in half and keep your food fresher, than storing in plastic bags and boxes.
Cooking in the Microwave using Vent “n Serve will preserve the nutrients and minerals so that your family get the intended nutritional benefit of the food.
Saving money on lunches.
Are you buying costly desserts for your family? Cut dessert costs in half by making your own easy to make desserts with Tupperware and Vent ‘n Serve in the Microwave.