Need Service?

Most Tupperware Products have a lifetime Warranty!

We would be happy to be of service to you.

This can be done in 3 ways.


Ř You could have personal service right in your Home or Office by having a “Demo” (Tupperware Party) by inviting a few friends or colleagues in and having one of our authorized Consultants come to you for a demonstration and any service required.

1-905-648-1145 or


Ř You can bring any warranty products directly to our office at 1374 Sandhill Drive,

Ancaster Ontario L9G 4V5



ØYou can log onto the Tupperware Site and submit your request for warranty on any Tupperware mold #.

You will need to take a picture of the defective Tupperware product and submit your request.

On approval they will honour the warranty and ship the replacement product to you, shipping charges apply.



Just follow instructions on the above page

Be sure to check the page showing what is covered under the warranty